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QlikView - Publisher

>>QlikView Publisher – Distributing Analysis for Everyone

Analysis has become a critical success factor for any organization. As the use of business analysis spreads throughout the organization, controlling the distribution of analysis becomes increasingly important. With QlikView Publisher you are in full control of the distribution of your company's QlikView applications. The QlikView Publisher automates the data refresh process for QlikView application data. In addition, it ensures that applications are distributed to the correct users when they need them. With QlikView Publisher you can be sure that the right information reaches the right user at the right time.

>>Data Security Control

QlikView Publisher ensures users only have access to documents with their data. Based on criteria set by an administrator QlikView Publisher will make data driven reduction of a QlikView document and then distribute the finalized document to any specific user. This ensures that users only have access to the data that is truly theirs.

>>Single point of access
Users have access to QlikView applications through the QlikView AccessPoint web portal. From here the updated applications are made available for online analysis via QlikView Analyzer or download for offline analysis. The QlikView AccessPoint supports the display and organization of QlikView applications by an administrator set list of meta-data. Using the AccessPoint organizations create a secure location where users have access to a personalized list of business analysis applications.
Download QlikView Server product sheet ( PDF )
